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Home of Diversity & Inclusion Resources

Home of Diversity & Inclusion Resources • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I Consulting and Training Firm Providing Customized and Off-the-Shelf Resources for Cultural Competence, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice.

About Diversity & Inclusion Center

About Diversity & Inclusion Center • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Supporting organizations as their thinking, training and resource partner in diversity, inclusion, cultural competence, equity and social justice.

Leslie Aguilar

Leslie Aguilar • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Leslie Aguilar, author of the best-selling Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts video-based training programs.

Meet Diversity & Inclusion Center | Facilitation Team | Partners

Meet Diversity & Inclusion Center • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Leslie Aguilar and DE&I facilitation team for Diversity & Inclusion Center, home of best-selling Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts video-based training program.


Services • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I services and solutions for assisting leaders in strategic planning and learning in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion and cultural competence.


Diversity & Inclusion Center consultants help organizations foster inclusion, equity and cultural competence in order to attract and retain talent, elevate performance, enhance the customer experience, and reach your business objectives.

Learning Strategy and Design

Leslie Aguilar, Design Lead for Diversity & Inclusion Center’s learning solutions, is known as one of the most creative and impactful instructional designers in the DE&I arena.

Learning Resources

Customized and off-the-shelf tools – books, videos, eLearning, instruments and assessments – for advancing diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice in the workplace and world.


DE&I professionals facilitate the learning and skills necessary to build inclusive workplaces and high-performing organizations through facilitated assessments, meetings, keynotes, workshops and executive coaching.

Keynote Presentations

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion keynote presentations are engaging, thought-provoking and applicable to the challenges and opportunities presented in today’s diverse organizations and society.

Inclusion Change Agents

Inclusion Change Agents • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Training, resources, tools and coaching to broaden your knowledge, skills, influence and impact as Inclusion Change Agents.


Testimonials • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Testimonials: Thousands utilize our learning solutions for cultural competence, de&i videos, eLearning, assessments, books and classroom training.

Diversity & Inclusion Store

Diversity & Inclusion Store • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I videos, eLearning, books, assessments: DE&I, cultural competence, inclusive communication, defeating unconscious bias, inclusion change agents and more.

Trainer’s Page Sign-Up

Trainer’s Page Sign-Up • Diversity & Inclusion Center

We offer online training via our virtual “Trainer’s Page” for Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts facilitators.

Discount Codes

Discount Codes • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity and Inclusion Center discount codes for governmental, educational and nonprofit organizations and institutions.

Diversity & Inclusion Center Store Policies [ Privacy Policy Page ]

Diversity & Inclusion Center Store Policies • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity & Inclusion Center Store Policies: Customer Care, User’s License, Shipping Info, Returns and Replacements, Payment Methods and Privacy Policy.

Diversity & Inclusion Store Cart

Diversity & Inclusion Store Cart • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I videos, eLearning, books, assessments: DE&I, cultural competence, inclusive communication, defeating unconscious bias, inclusion change agents and more.

Good News Blog

Good News Blog • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Uplifting stories, inspirational insights, great resources for Inclusion Change Agents, and all things supporting respect, inclusion, equity and justice.

Contact Diversity & Inclusion Center

Contact Diversity & Inclusion Center • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Contact Diversity and Inclusion Center and Leslie Aguilar, author of the best-selling Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts video-based training program.

Learning Tools

Learning Tools • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity and Inclusion DE&I Learning Tools for eLearning, Blended Learning, Training Program Videos, Books, ePublications, Instruments and Assessments.

Books and Publications

Books and Publications • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity & Inclusion Center’s DE&I books and ePublication: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts book; From Jokes to Genocide ePublication; Multicultural Customer Service: Providing Outstanding Service Across Cultures book.

DE&I eLearning

DE&I eLearning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I eLearning for your learning and development toolkit. Diversity & Inclusion eLearning and Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience

Diversity & Inclusion eLearning

Diversity & Inclusion eLearning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Diversity & Inclusion eLearning is a self-paced online DE&I eLearning experience that engages leaders in critical learning and skill-building.

Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ: Gender Identity & Gender Expression

Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ: Gender Identity & Gender Expression • Diversity & Inclusion Center

eLearning for Educating Leaders about Transgender Employees, Customers and the Trans Community. Learn More About Gender Identity & Gender Expression.

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts online eLearning program explores communication skills for promoting inclusion and respect in the workplace.

DE&I Instruments

DE&I Instruments • Diversity & Inclusion Center

DE&I assessments and instruments providing proven strategies to value, leverage and build diversity skills, identify and practice inclusive behaviors and strengthen diversity competencies for leaders, diversity champions, change agents, and human resources professionals.

Diversity Competencies Assessment™ and DiversiScan™: Scanning the Environment for Diversity-Related Issues and Opportunities

Ouch! Series

Ouch! Series • Diversity & Inclusion Center

The Ouch! video series (Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts; Ouch! Your Silence Hurts; Ouch! eLearning / Online Learning Experience) is a powerful DE&I tool for addressing bias and stereotypes.

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Resources

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Resources • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Ouch! DE&I training programs provide tools to speak up against demeaning stereotypes, bias, discrimination, bullying, prejudice, racial insensitivity, incivility and insensitive communications in workplace situations.

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Video

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Video • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Ouch! DE&I training programs provide tools to speak up against demeaning stereotypes, bias, discrimination, bullying, prejudice, racial insensitivity, incivility and insensitive communications in workplace situations.

Ouch! Your Silence Hurts | Video

Ouch! Your Silence Hurts | Video • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Ouch! DE&I training program illustrates the high cost of silent collusion and inspires passive bystanders to become active allies when confronting demeaning stereotypes, bias, discrimination, bullying, prejudice, racial insensitivity, incivility, insensitive communications.

Ouch! Goodies

Ouch! Goodies • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Ouch! users share their Ouch! Goodies with ideas, experiences and materials while using Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts.

The Exchange

The Exchange • Diversity & Inclusion Center

The Ouch! Goodies Exchange Depository for ideas, experiences and materials while using Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts.

Words Are Powerful

Words Are Powerful • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Words Are Powerful materials supporting the strategies found in Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts learning programs.

Preview Form: Diversity & Inclusion eLearning

Preview Form: Diversity & Inclusion eLearning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Preview Diversity & Inclusion eLearning. Engages leaders in critical learning and skill-building on diversity & inclusion topics.

Preview Form: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts

Preview Form: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Preview Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts video training program. Learn how to speak up against demeaning stereotypes, bias, discrimination and bullying.

Preview Form: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience

Preview Form: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Preview Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience. Learn to speak up against stereotypes and biased or disparaging behaviors.

Preview Form: Ouch! Your Silence Hurts

Preview Form: Ouch! Your Silence Hurts • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Preview Ouch! Your Silence Hurts video training program. Learn the high cost of silent collusion and inspire passive bystanders to become active allies.

Diversity & Inclusion Center Downloads

Diversity & Inclusion Center Downloads • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Find all Diversity & Inclusion Center’s downloadable marketing flyers, catalogs, resources and materials in one handy depository.

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Video
Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts eLearning
Ouch! Your Silence Hurts Video
Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Stereotypes Leaders Guide
Ouch! Your Silence Hurts Leaders Guide
Ouch! Book [Excerpt]
Ouch! Book Information and Order Form
DiversiScan™ Assessment Instrument
Diversity Competencies Assessment™
360° Assessment Instrument
Yale News Article by Blake Thorkelson | Human Resources training sessions to focus on staff diversity and inclusion
Workforce Diversity Network Review and Interview by Mike Streeter | Bookshelf: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts
Women’s Edge Magazine Review by Gary Tomlinson | Bookshelves: “Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts”
Training Media Review Article by Linda Pacheco | Review: “Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts”
Huffington Post Article by James Nichols | Understanding The T In LGBT’ Aims To Help Transgender Employees In The Workplace
Watermarkonline Article by Guest Columnist, Dr. Steve Yacovelli | To “T” or not to “T”
Press Release | Dr. Jamison Green, Prominent Trans Advocate, Partners with Diversity & Inclusion Center on Transgender Issues and Education in the Workplace
Workforce Diversity Network Article by Mike Streeter | Q&A Interview: Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts eLearning Program with Leslie Aguilar
Diversity & Inclusion eLearning: Exploring Diversity and Inclusion eLearning
Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ: Gender Identity and Gender Expression online eLearning module
Bibliographic sources and additional helpful resources used to research Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ: Gender Identity and Gender Expression online eLearning module
Leslie Aguilar’s Biography
Article for Workforce Diversity Network [June 5, 2014] | How to Develop a Language Competence Strategy
The Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication [July 20, 2015] | Understanding the T in LGBT
Project Bridge

Updates from Diversity & Inclusion Center

Updates from Diversity & Inclusion Center • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Join our subscription list to get updates from Diversity & Inclusion Center on diversity and inclusion related news and resources. You can also opt-out of our mailing list.




Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts: Communicating Respectfully in a Diverse World | Video

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts: Communicating Respectfully in a Diverse World | Video • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts video training program. Learn how to speak up against demeaning stereotypes, bias, discrimination and bullying.


Ouch! Your Silence Hurts | Video

Ouch! Your Silence Hurts | Video • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Ouch! Your Silence Hurts video training program. Learn the high cost of silent collusion and inspire passive bystanders to become active allies.


Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Reminder Cards [25]

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Reminder Cards [25] • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts: Communicating Respectfully in a Diverse World Reminder Cards with techniques for speaking up on behalf of respect.


Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience | eLearning

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience | eLearning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Online Learning Experience. Learn to speak up against stereotypes and biased or disparaging behaviors.


Diversity & Inclusion eLearning | eLearning

Diversity & Inclusion eLearning | eLearning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Diversity & Inclusion eLearning Modules. Engages leaders in critical learning and skill-building on diversity & inclusion topics.


Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Book

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts | Book • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Ouch! book. Guidelines for communicating respect and inclusion, recovery strategies, and techniques for speaking up against bias and stereotypes.


From Jokes to Genocide | ePublication

From Jokes to Genocide | ePublication • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Contact Leslie Aguilar for further information about From Jokes to Genocide ePublication. Explore silent collusion and other small behaviors that are divisive, disrespectful, demeaning, destructive.


Diversity Competencies Assessment | Instrument

Diversity Competencies Assessment | Instrument • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase Diversity Competencies Assessment, a 65-item paper and pencil self-assessment in seven key areas related to valuing and leveraging diversity.


DiversiScan: Scanning the Environment for Diversity-Related Issues and Opportunities | Facilitated Instrument

DiversiScan: Scanning the Environment for Diversity-Related Issues and Opportunities | Facilitated Instrument • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Purchase DiversiScan: Scanning the Environment for Diversity-Related Issues and Opportunities, a tool and four-step process for leaders and change agents.


Blended Learning

Blended Learning • Diversity & Inclusion Center

Build your blended learning strategy utilizing online learning, facilitator-led learning, on-the-job training, and coaching in the areas of diversity, inclusion and cultural competence.